Bounty Hunter Autoquests

Bounty Hunters get their own set of autoquests

Tatooine Manhunt

Lowbie/Midbie Quest
talk to Edu in the Cantina

   Commander Adar Tallon, a brilliant tactician and naval commander, served
both the Old Republic and the emerging New Order during his long career.  His
space-fighting strategies and maneuvers are legendary, and became the basis for
modern starfighter and fleet combat tactics.  His fame reached heroic
proportions during the Clone Wars.    
   Shortly after Emperor Palpatine took charge to lead the ailing Old Republic with
the vision of his New Order, Tallon's impressive career came to an abrupt halt.
Tallon entered the Dalchon system to investigate a disproportionate amount of
pirate activity.  While touring the area, Battalion - Tallon's patrol craft --
received a priority distress call.  A medium-sized freighter was under attack by a 
heavily-armed pirate pinnace.  Heedless of the danger and the greater firepower,
Battalion dove straight for the pirate ship.  This bought the freighter the time it
needed to achieve hyperspace -- but at a terrible cost.
   Battalion was obliterated.  No trace was ever found of Tallon or his crew.

Tatooine Manhunt: Step #1 - Find out if Old Arno, Slag Flats or Bels Lank know where to find [Adar Tallon].
1) Slag Flats = 'An old experienced desert traveller is in town for supplies.'
[say Adar Tallon]
2) Bels Lank = 'A moisture farmer, in town for supplies, walks by.' or go to Old Arno
[say Adar Tallon]

Tatooine Manhunt: Step #2 - Search the Moisture Farm east of Mos Eisley for Adar Tallon or clues to his location.
1) From Outside the East Gates of Mos Eisley: E, 2N
2) Approach the work shed on the east side of the farm
3) Find Moisture Vaporator in SW corner of the farm and go 3S, W to get back to Mos Eisley

Tatooine Manhunt: Step #3 - Ask Edu Barr about any bounty hunter groups that might have [murdered] a rebel.
1) Go back to Edu in the cantina and [say murdered]

Tatooine Manhunt: Step #4 - Take out the leader of the Bounty Hunters team searching for Adar Tallon.
1) Kill L34 Jodo Kast on the third floor of Jabba's Townhouse
Kill the other bounty hunters first so you don't get adds when fighting Jodo

Tatooine Manhunt Step #5: Locate Adar Tallon's Tusken fort hidden between Mos Eisley and Anchorhead.
Kill him or [warn] him Imperial forces are hunting him.
1) Adar is located in Tusken Canyon along with Kay Tallon
2) Kill Adar and Kay for the Empire reward
3) [warn] Adar for the Rebel reward

Step #6 - Return to Edu Barr for your reward (same reward for killing or warning Adar Tallon)

Edu gives you 25,000 credits.
You have gained 100,000 experience.
You have earned 1 quest point.
You have finished the Tatooine Manhunt quest.

Will Work For Credits

Talk to EV in the Bounty Hunter's Guild

1) Track down and kill the target to get the recording of the target's death
2) Go to EV and [give record EV]

Will Work For Credits : Step #1 - Find and kill old jawa, 5k cr (get recording of old jawa's death)
Will Work For Credits : Step #3 - Find and kill Labria, Devoran outlaw, 25k (wanders Mos Eisley)
Will Work For Credits : Step #5 - Find and kill Jondrell Inx, (Kallistas), 20k
Will Work For Credits : Step #7 - Find and kill Salacious Crumb, 5k (Jabba's Palace)
Will Work For Credits : Step #9 - Find and kill Big John. (Mos Eisley Sewers), 10k credits
Will Work For Credits : Step #11 - Find and kill Uncle Owen., 10k credits
Will Work For Credits : Step #13 - Find and kill Ponda Baba. 25k credits (cantina)
Will Work For Credits : Step #15 - Find and kill IG-72. (Jabba's Townhouse, below throne room), 20k
Will Work For Credits : Step #17 - Find and kill Dr. Evazan., 100k (cantina)
Will Work For Credits : Step #19 - Find and kill Shargugh the Bandit. (Beggar's Canyon), 10k
Get (Chromasheath boots, mod)

Object 'a set of Chromasheath boots', Item type: Armor
It can be worn: Inventory Feet 
Item is: !Donate !Sith !Jedi !Smuggler !Mercenary !Tech !Sell !Medic 
Weight: 10, Value: 5000, Rent: 800
AC-apply is 5
Can affect you as :
   Affects: Hitpoints by 15
   Affects: Hitroll by 2

Working for the Hutt

Bounty Hunter Only
Talk to Lumgrada the Hutt in Mos Eisley

Working For The Hutt : Step #1 - Find and kill Morden Slosh.
1) Go to Corellia
2) Go north to the Corporate Bar and kill L36 Morden Slosh
3) Return to Lumgrada and [give record lumgrada]
Lumgrada the Hutt says, 'Very good, Here is your payment.'
Lumgrada hands you 100,000 credits.

Working For The Hutt : Step #3 - Find and kill Fax.
1) Go to Corellia
2) Go to the Police Station, north of the landing pad
3) Kill the Warden to get the key
4) Unlock the cell to find and kill L37 Fax
5) Return to Lumgrada and [give record lumgrada]
Lumgrada the Hutt says, 'Very good, Here is your payment.'
Lumgrada hands you 125,000 credits.

Working For The Hutt : Step #5 - Find and kill Skynxnex.
1) Land at Kessel
2) Go east to the City of Kessendra
3) L38 Skynxnex is the scarecrow in the local inn
4) Return to Lumgrada and [give record lumgrada]
Lumgrada the Hutt says, 'Very good, Here is your payment.'
Lumgrada hands you 130,000 credits.

Working For The Hutt : Step #7 - Find and kill Tord Gamb.
1) Go to the Bespin Royal Casino
2) Kill L46 Tord Gamb
3) Return to Lumgrada and [give record lumgrada]
Lumgrada the Hutt says, 'Very good, Here is your payment.'
Lumgrada hands you 140,000 credits.

Working for the Hutt: Step #9 - Find and kill Prince Voltar
1) JUMP 738 and APPROACH to get inside the Death Star
2) Go up one level from the Docking Bay, located in a bedroom on the east side
Lumgrada the Hutt says, 'Very good, Here is your payment.'
Lumgrada hands you 150,000 credits.

Lumgrada the Hutt says, 'I have no more work for you, but keep an eye out for anyone else who might be in need of your services.'
You receive an experience point reward of 300,000 xp.

Lumgrada the Hutt says, 'Because you have done my bidding well, I will bestow upon you 3 Quest Points.'
You have received 3 Quest Points.

Working for the Vile Gangster

Bounty Hunter Only
Talk to Jabba in Jabba's Palace

Working For The Vile Gangster : Step #1 - Find and kill L64 Morteos, Bespin
1) Go to Bespin and go north
2) Morteos is behind the closed door on the east
3) Kill Morteos and loot the recording from his body
4) [give recording jabba]
Jabba the Hutt says, 'Very good, Here is your payment.'
Jabba hands you 150,000 credits.

Step #3 - Find and kill Bevel Lemelisk
1) APPROACH The Death Star at Yavin
2) Go up two levels from the Docking Bay
3) Bevel is What/L60
4) Kill Bevel and loot the recording from the body
5) [give recording jabba]
You give a recording of Bevel Lemelisk's death to Jabba the Hutt.
Jabba the Hutt says, 'Very good, Here is your payment.'
Jabba hands you 175,000 credits.

Find and kill Iella Wessiri on Thyferra
1) LAND on Thyferra and go northeast from the spaceport
2) Look for Iella on the upper floor of the Vratix building
3) Kill Iella and loot the recording
4) [give recording jabba]
You give a recording of Iella Wessiri's death to Jabba the Hutt.
Jabba the Hutt says, 'Very good, Here is your payment.'
Jabba hands you 200,000 credits.

Find and kill Admiral Ackbar
1) Go to Endor and ENTER
2) Get onto Home One and go to the upper level
3) Find a bridge key so you can get onto the bridge

The Great Hunt

Highbie quest

Find Remington on Adarlon
Remington says, 'Would you like to join the great hunt I'm holding for the most dangerous creatures in the galaxy?'
Remington says, 'Ah, so you're brave enough, now lets see if you have what it takes.'
Remington says, 'Ok, your first hunt is for the cat-like Katarn.'
Remington says, 'It is known as the Prince of the Wroshyr Jungle to the Wookies.'
Remington says, 'Find it, slay this prince, and bring me back proof of your accomplishment.'

The Great Hunt: Step #1 - Hunt the Katarn in the Wroshyr Jungle on Kashyyyk.
The Great Hunt: Step #3 - Hunt down a Wampa on the snow plains of Hoth.
The Great Hunt: Step #5 - Hunt the Krayt Dragon in the Jundland Wastes of Tatooine.
The Great Hunt: Step #7 - Kill a suitable sized space worm in a space Asteroid field.
The Great Hunt: Step #9 - Hunt a Glitterstim Spider in the mines of Kessel.
The Great Hunt: Step #11 - Hunt down an adult Rancor on the surface of Dathomir.
The Great Hunt: Step #13 - Kill a massive Sando Aqua Monster in the Planet Core of Naboo.

You have completed the Great Hunt and receive 5 million experience.
You have received 3 quest points.

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