Technician Guild


------------------=< Mos Eisley - Technician Guild >=-------------------

                ___  ___        ___           1 = Entrance Lift
               /A_/ /1_/       /1_/           2 = Gigaplex/Bar Lift
     ___  ___  _/_  _/_  ___   _/_            3 = Galactic Patents Lift
    /__/ /M_/-/G_/-/__/-/2_/  /__/--> Parent
    _/_  ___       _/_         ___     Road   
   /T_/-/__/------/__/--------/__/           G = Guildmaster
   _/_   /                     /             A = Armor Workbench
  /__/  /    __ __ __         /              M = Melee weapon bench
 ___  _/_   /__/__/__/ ___  _/_              S = Personal Ship computer
/$_/-/__/--/__/__/__/ /$_/-/__/              T = Techno Union
      /   /__/__/__/        /
     /     Training        /     West shop = gadgets
   _/_        ___        _/_     East shop = droids

<--- The Gigaplex / Arcade --->   <--- Galactic Patents -->
             ___  ___  _/_            ___  ___  ___ 
            /__/-/__/=/__/           /__/-/__/-/__/  Phillip
       ___  _/_  _/_                      _/_         Santhe's
      /__/-/__/-/__/                     /__/         Offices
      ___  _/_  _/_  ___            ___  _=_  ___
     /__/-/__/-/__/=/__/           /__/-/__/-/__/
     ___  _/_  _=_                 ___  _/_  ___
    /1_/</__/ /__/                /__/-/__/-/__/
    _v_                           ___  _/_  ___
   /2_/  1 to 5 = Arcade         /__/-/__/-/__/
   _v_    Go Up to exit               _/_
  /3_/                               /__/
  _v_                                _/_
 /4_/                               /3_/ Lift

---------------------=< Revenge of the Jedi MUD >=----------------------

L80 Guildmaster

Personal Ship Computer
Custom Melee Workbench
Custom Armor Workbench
Custom Exotic Weapon Workbench
Custom Blaster Workbench
Custom Glove Workbench
Custom Vibroblade Workbench


L05 squat training droid
L10 technican (patented wall massager)

Gigaplex and Technician Guild Arcade

L15 drunk technician
L15 rowdy technician

P-4 Space Marine
P-2 TIE Fighter
P03 giant space worm
P05 X-Wing (small 10%)
P10 Mega Maid, (duct tape) (hull plating, junk) (Kuat 5.0 Hyperdrive Engine, T2)

Object 'a piece of hull plating from the Mega Maid', Item type: Other
It can be worn: Inventory 
Item is: !Rent Newbie EQ 
Weight: 10, Value: 100, Rent: 5000
Object 'duct tape', Item type: One Time Device
It can be worn: Inventory 
Item is: NOBITS 
Weight: 5, Value: 15000, Rent: 500
This One Time Device casts:  jury rig
Object 'a Kuat 5.0 Hyperdrive Engine', Item type: Personal Part
It can be worn: Inventory 
Item is: NOBITS !Cryo 
Weight: 10, Value: 10000, Rent: 10000
This personal part is a level 2 hyperdrive

Galactic Patents

   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  10.00   15.00   25.00   26.43   30.00   60.00

L10 mail-room monkey
L15 kamikaze mail droid (parcel)
L15 snorkling patent clerk (snorkle)
L25 wandering inventor
L30 lab technician (nuclear meat grinder) (the Dremzetswabob)

L30 patent secretary (2x attack), (sharp letter opener) (undercon)
L60 Phillip Santhe, (set of homemade armor, superior) (T1 miniture silver lithium power generator)

Object 'a miniature silver lithium power generator', Item type: Custom Part
It can be worn: Inventory 
Item is: Humming !Remove !Cryo 
Weight: 0, Value: 20000, Rent: 1000
This custom part is a level 1 power supply
Object 'a set of homemade armor', Item type: Armor
It can be worn: Inventory On Body 
Item is: Humming 
Weight: 5, Value: 3000, Rent: 900
AC-apply is 8
This item has un-specified special functions attached to it.
Can affect you as :
   Affects: Strength by 3
   Affects: Hitpoints by 20
   Affects: Charisma by -4
   Affects: Dexterity by 5
    kamikzae droid, tech guild
Object 'a parcel', Item type: Container
It can be worn: Inventory 
Item is: !Rent !Sell 
Weight: 5, Value: 0, Rent: 0
This container can hold a decent amount.

    patent secretary
Object 'a sharp letter opener', Item type: Key
It can be worn: Inventory 
Item is: NOBITS 
Weight: 2, Value: 0, Rent: 0

    lab technician
Object 'the Dremzetswabob', Item type: Worn
It can be worn: Inventory Head 
Item is: Glowing Humming !Remove 
Weight: 3, Value: 1000, Rent: 10
Can affect you as :
   Affects: Intelligence by 8
   Affects: Wisdom by 6
   Affects: Movement by 47

   patent clerk
Object 'a snorkle', Item type: Multi Use Device
It can be worn: Inventory Head 
Item is: NOBITS 
Weight: 0, Value: 0, Rent: 0
This Multi Use Device casts:  sustain
It has 1 maximum charge and 1 remaining.

Object 'a nuclear meat grinder', Item type: Container
It can be worn: Inventory Feet Hands 
Item is: Humming !Remove 
Weight: 3, Value: 100, Rent: 100
This container can hold a decent amount.
Can affect you as :
   Affects: Dexterity by -2
   Affects: Intelligence by -4
   Affects: Charisma by 3


The Techno Union Store

Automaton Inc.

 ##   Available   Item                                               Cost
  1)  Unlimited   A small repair kit                                 1980
  2)  Unlimited   A droid caller                                       58
  3)  Unlimited   A set of lockpicks                                   19
  4)  Unlimited   A Technician Guild Patch                           4954
  5)  Unlimited   A hyperspatial matter transducer                 118927
  6)  Unlimited   Infravision goggles                                8720
  7)  Unlimited   A disposable scanner                               1983
  8)  Unlimited   A personal distress probe                          3965
  9)  Unlimited   A Tofurkey MRE                                       19

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